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It is time to stop wasting time and money debating ACL surgery aproaches

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We have been studying the different types of grafts and surgeries for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries for many years and we still find issues in the postoperative period … osteoarthritis, recurrence …

In this video made for the British Journal of Sport Medicine (BJSM), based on an editorial by Dr. Adam Culnevor and Dr. Christian Barton, it is asked to focus more on optimizing rehabilitation, giving great value to Physiotherapy and prescription of exercises.

I recommend reading the above-mentioned editorial here.

Spanish version

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Jorge Rodriguez

Physiotherapist, Member of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), MSc Health Care Technology (cum laude) at Tallinn University of Technology, Exercise Prescription Expert and Social Media Expert. Founder and editor at lafisioterapia.net. Passionate about dissemination in Physiotherapy and health promotion, with special interest in digital tools as a way to improve quality of life.