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10 comandments for physiotherapists – by Adam Meakins

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This time I wanted to make a slightly different infographic with information from the blog of one of the most popular and controversial (what he knows and enjoys) physiotherapists on twitter, Adam Meakins (The Sports Physio). I do think that the information you can read here is very useful for your present practice, if you are already a physiotherapist, or your future, if you are still a student.

The commandments say as follow…

1. Active treatment over passive treatment.

2. Exercise isn’t just strengthening.

3. The nervous system is king.

4. Interaction, over intervention.

5. Listen more, talk less.

6. Don’t be afraid to question.

7. Admit mistakes and make adjustments as you go.

8. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

9. Confront your knowledge and biases regularly.

10. Read more, a lot more.

You can read the original article from Adam´s blog here

You can also see the video made for this article here.

10 commandments for physios by Adam Meakins

Spanish version

Foto del autor

Jorge Rodriguez

Physiotherapist, Member of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), MSc Health Care Technology (cum laude) at Tallinn University of Technology, Exercise Prescription Expert and Social Media Expert. Founder and editor at lafisioterapia.net. Passionate about dissemination in Physiotherapy and health promotion, with special interest in digital tools as a way to improve quality of life.