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Predictores de lesión inguinal en fútbol

Esta infografía es un resumen del estudio Pre-season adductor squeeze test and HAGOS function sport and recreation subscale scores predict groin injury in Gaelic football players (2017) de Eamonn Delahunt y col. en la revista Physical Therapy in Sport. Contiene información muy interesante de cara a la predicción de lesión inguinal en jugadores de fútbol gaélico (buen punto de partida para estudiar su aplicabilidad en otras modalidades de fútbol).

Squeeze test como predictor de lesiones.

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Groin injury prediction in Gaelic football

This infographic is a summary of the study Pre-season adductor squeeze test and HAGOS function sport and recreation subscale scores predict groin injury in Gaelic football players (2017) by Eamonn Delahunt et al. created for the journal Physical Therapy in Sport. It contains very interesting information related groin injuries predictors in Gaelic football players (good start point to study the applicability in other football modalities).

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