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Facts about Pelvic Health – Episode 2

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This is the second episode of a series talking about pelvis health and the strengths you didn’t know you had.

The information has been kindly provided by Sandy Hilton, Christa Trumbull y Peter O’Sullivan. Many thanks!

The video says as follow…

There is no perfect posture!

The best evidence says postural variability is healthy. That means moving into a lot of different postures are good for you and your pelvis. So it’s safe when you sit to relax, slouch, cross your legs as well as sit up. It’s also safe to wear high heels and tight jeans if you like. Just make sure you take regular breaks from being sedentary and keep physically active.

Kegels- do they live up to the hype?

A healthy muscle is one that is strong when you need it to be and can relax when its not needed. Like any muscle the pelvic floor can get weak and deconditioned if you are inactive, sedentary, and run down or it can get tense if you are stressed out and find it hard to relax. Both of these situations can be related to a loss of healthy bladder and or bowel function. When the pelvic muscles are weak, strengthening them is a good idea. They will get stronger with a well-designed program. If the pelvic floor is tense and contracted, but has forgotten how to relax – learning how to relax comes first, and then get to strengthening and control.

You can watch Episode 1 here and Episode 3 here.

Spanish version

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Jorge Rodriguez

Physiotherapist, Member of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), MSc Health Care Technology (cum laude) at Tallinn University of Technology, Exercise Prescription Expert and Social Media Expert. Founder and editor at lafisioterapia.net. Passionate about dissemination in Physiotherapy and health promotion, with special interest in digital tools as a way to improve quality of life.